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Jet-Mate Anti-foaming Agent


Anti-foam X 206 is a special anti-foam concentrate product (18 % active) derived from modified siloxanes.

Physical properties

Appearance: milky, turbid

Active content: 18 %

Density (25 °C):  approx. 1.0 g/cm-3

Viscosity (25 °C): 600 – 900 ppm

Type of emulsifier: non-ionic
Jet-Mate Anti-foam X 206 is used as an anti-foam agent in a broad range of aqueous systems and is particularly recommended for metalworking fluids (MWF) and textile auxiliaries.

Applications for Jet-Mate Anti-foam X 206 include:
• the textile industry (ex: textile bleaching, dying, finishing, non-woven fabric production)
• bottle washing (for tank-side addition)
• other industrial applications: industrial and household cleaners

Properties & Benefits
Due to the distinctive formulation of its active agent, Jet-Mate Anti-foam X 206 simultaneously combines excellent efficiency with maximum compatibility resulting in a unique product profile which cannot be achieved either with organic or traditional silicone oil based anti foaming agents. Undesirable effects associated with silicone oil based anti-foaming agents such as silicone spotting and fish eyes are eliminated in most applications.

Jet-Mate Anti-foam X 206 exhibits excellent alkaline and electrolyte stability, even at higher temperatures, as well as great compatibility with water allowing for easy handling.

Dosage & Handling
The recommended concentration dose for Jet-Mate Anti-foam X 206 may vary (0.01 – 0.5 %) due to the versatility of its applications and conditions of use. Suitable screenings and tests are recommended.
Jet-Mate Anti-foam X 206 is easily dispersive in water and may be used as delivered, however, we recommend diluting the product before application (1 : 3 to 1 : 10). Dilution should be prepared by adding Jet-Mate Anti-foam X 206 to water mixture while stirring gently at low shear rates.These dilutions are semi stable; if stable long-term dilutions are required, we offer dilution methods for the production of low active de-foamer emulsions.

Storage stability
Jet-Mate Anti-foam X 206 is stable in closed containers for a minimum of 12 months and should be stored under frost-free conditions. The Jet-Mate Anti-foam X 206 product should be stirred before use.